Spring clean: First decide on what to focus on. Normally kitchens and baths are the main areas. Then gather your supplies, and cleaning may begin. Work your way down the list you’ve written. For example, kitchen, bathrooms, living rooms, and bedrooms. Read on, there’s more to it than meets the eye!

You have just moved into a new home and you’re feeling overwhelmed by the amount of cleaning that needs to be done. You have no idea where to start or what the best way is to deep clean your house. You decide to ask your friend for advice on how to tackle this daunting task.

You’re not alone! Deep cleaning a house can seem like an insurmountable task, but it doesn’t have to be. With the right plan and tools, you can get your new home sparkling clean in no time. Here’s a guide on the fastest way to deep clean a house so you can start enjoying living in your newly-cleaned space!



Making a list can help tackle the deep cleaning process

Decide which areas to focus on first

To make it seem less daunting and more achievable, prepare a plan of attack for which areas of the house you’d like to focus on first. Make sure to factor in which rooms take the shortest to clean, as well as those that need or require a bit more time and elbow grease.

Once all the tasks have been prioritized (perhaps by writing a to-do list), set realistic expectations based on your schedule and what needs to be done. Breaking down each task into small steps will help make deep cleaning manageable–even enjoyable!


Gather your cleaning supplies and tools

When you deep clean your house, there are certain tools and supplies that you need to make sure the job is done right. Start by stocking up on an assortment of microfiber cloths for dusting and removing dirt from hard-to-reach areas. A quality all-purpose cleaner for most tasks. A glass cleaner for safe and successful streak-free window cleaning, and various sponges.

Depending on the surface; a broom, mop, grout brush with good bristles to accomplish tough tile scrubbing. You may also consider a duster for delicate items and furniture surfaces. This collection should provide everything necessary to restore your home to perfect order with minimal hassle.

Be sure to visit your local Dollarama store for more cleaning supplies. Note we are not affiliated with this website whatsoever.


Start with the kitchen

Deep cleaning of your kitchen is an important part of keeping your home fresh and hygienic. To make sure you get the best possible clean, start by removing all items from counter tops – this will give you easy access to all surfaces when it’s time to start scrubbing. Use a deep-cleaning detergent for each surface, ensuring that you give extra attention to grout lines and crevices during scrubbing. Always test a small area before committing to the solution as some chemicals and mixtures may damage certain surfaces.

For natural solutions, combine baking soda with water to create a paste that can be used on walls, ovens and other appliances. Once you’ve finished scrubbing your kitchen surfaces down, rinse with warm water and disinfect any extra unclean areas.

Finally, take the opportunity to reorganize anything in cupboards or pantry drawers. You would be surprised at how much easier cooking dinner is when everything is easy to reach!


Move onto the bathrooms

Begin by removing any items from the counter or shelves so that you can see everything and clean more easily. You should then wipe down any surfaces with a disinfectant wipe. This will help ensure germs are eliminated. Next, address the floors and walls to determine if they need to be vacuumed, swept or mopped, or just even wiped down with cleaner and a wet cloth.

Be sure to pay close attention to hard-to-reach areas like around toilets, corners, and behind faucets. Pay special attention to any grout lines as this is an area prone to mould growth. Finally, take out the trash and then add some deodorant beads or freshener into the bin when you put in a new bag before enjoying a clean bathroom that smells great!


Tip: Always clean from top to bottom

Tackle living spaces next

Deep cleaning your living room can be time consuming, but the result is worth it. The key is to break down the process into manageable tasks and tackle them one by one.

First, go through all miscellaneous items (coasters, books, kid’s toys, remotes) you’re keeping in the living room—set aside anything that doesn’t belong and point out who can claim it for later.

Then dust the shelves and furniture and grimy fingerprints on doors and walls using a rag dampened with lukewarm water. Sweep or vacuum any carpeted areas and mop hard surfaces. Focus next on furniture; consider moving pieces onto their sides to access spots underneath.

Finally, don’t forget about windowsills or ceiling fans as those tend to accumulate dirt if not frequently cleaned enough. See? Deep cleaning your living room isn’t so bad after all!


Don’t forget about the bedrooms

Deep cleaning your bedroom is pretty straightforward -all you need is some determination and a few hours of dedicated time!

Clean up anything that does not belong in the room. Or place it back where it came from. Next, start from the top and work your way down, focusing on one area at a time (e.g. ceiling fan, blinds, curtains, furniture). Dust all surfaces with a damp cloth followed by vacuum or steam clean carpets and rugs for best results.

As you tackle each item on your list, be sure to check for mould or mildew which might require specific cleaners to eliminate. We had an incident were we found mould in a corner where the insulation was not be sufficient in that area.

Finally, end off with a thorough going-over with an antibacterial spray cleaner so you will be able to settle into fresh sheets in no time!


Finish up by tidying up any loose ends that need attention

Once you’ve completed the deep cleaning of each area, it’s important to tidy up any loose ends. This might include gathering discarded items that were left out during the deep clean and putting them away where they belong. Make sure to inspect all areas for messes and dirt spots that you may have missed while scrubbing. These are easy to overlook and can be frustrating to find later.

It’s also important to check for signs of pests or other potential problems like water damage. Finally, take the opportunity to rearrange furniture if necessary. A fresh layout can help make any room feel entirely new! With these extra steps, your deep clean will be complete!


Sometimes cleaning may be more fun when families are all helping


Utilize the tips described in this article and you will be surprised at how quickly and easily you can get your home spick-and-span!

With just a few hours dedicated to each room, you can enjoy an immaculate living space that is free of germs, dust and dirt. Now go out there and get your cleaning on! You got this!

If you’d like this article be sure to check out: “How you can get rid of mould” and “Types of viruses and bacteria found in your house” – Spring clean.


Frequently Asked Questions


How often should I deep clean my home?

Most people recommend deep cleaning your home at least once a month. This ensures that any dirt and dust are removed on a regular basis, which can help prevent mould build-up and other hazards. Doing small maintenance tasks like wiping down surfaces, vacuuming carpets and dusting shelves every week can also help maintain cleanliness in between deep cleans.

What are some common areas that people forget to clean?

Common areas that people forget to clean include ceiling fans, windowsills, baseboards, door frames and behind appliances. It is also important to pay attention to the grout lines in bathrooms and kitchens as this area is prone to mould growth if not properly cleaned.

Don’t forget about any furniture or miscellaneous items either. Moving these onto their sides can help access the dust and dirt that has accumulated underneath. Finally, be sure to check for any cobwebs in high corners or behind furniture.

What are some of the best deep cleaning hacks?

Some of the best deep cleaning hacks include using a squeegee to clean windows, steam cleaning carpets and rugs for thorough disinfecting. Be sure to have an old toothbrush to access tight spaces. Investing in good quality microfiber cloths can help pick up dust more effectively. At the same time white vinegar and baking soda are excellent natural alternatives for cleaning surfaces.


Spring clean: Let us handle your cleans so you can do the things you enjoy most

Spring clean

The Cleaning Tribe is the perfect solution for busy families looking to keep their homes in top shape! Our team of experienced professionals are fully trained and equipped with the best supplies and techniques.

We can help families deep clean their entire home quickly and efficiently, leaving it sparkling clean from top to bottom. Not only will you save time and energy, but you will also enjoy peace of mind knowing that your home is spotless!

Get in touch or call us on our live 24/7 hour line at (416) 292-0032 with us today for a free quote. We can’t wait to get started – Spring clean

Cleaning Tribe Inc.
2300 Yonge St #1600, Toronto, ON M4P 1E4