Move out cleaners – Start by prepping your kitchen, remove dishes, food items, etc. The next step is the mix the baking soda into a paste. Apply the mixture on your kitchen surfaces and appliances, then rinse. Continue reading for more details.

You and your partner are debating whether to clean the kitchen with baking soda or another store bought product. You argue that baking soda is a great cleaner that can tackle grime and grease. It can also cut through soap scum, and deodorize surfaces around the house. You mention that it’s versatile enough to be used on furniture, fabrics, and carpets.

Your partner mentions that using baking soda can be expensive compared to other cleaning products. It’s not always the most effective solution.

However, cleaning your kitchen with baking soda is indeed a great way to save money and keep your kitchen clean without harsh chemicals based on our experience. It’s versatile enough to be used on furniture, fabrics, carpets, and the kitchen!

For those who are debating whether or not this is the best option for cleaning their kitchen, we’ll discuss how baking soda can effectively remove dirt and grime while also being cost-effective. We’ll also explore other benefits of using baking soda such as its ability to deodorize surfaces around the house and its safety for both people and the environment.


Prep your kitchen first!

Prepare the kitchen

Preparing your kitchen for a clean using baking soda is easy! Start by removing all dishes, food items from the surface. Make sure to clear all countertops, cabinets and shelves. This will help ensure that the baking soda can be spread evenly on the surfaces.

If you have any hard-to-remove stains or stuck-on bits of food in crevices, consider scrubbing them off first before applying the baking soda.

Create a baking soda paste and applying it

Preparing a baking soda paste is an incredibly simple. To make a paste, all you need is a bowl with equal parts of water and baking soda. Mix them together until you have a thick consistency. This paste can be applied on various cool surfaces such as ceramic tiles or cooking pans while scrubbing with a soft cloth or non-abrasive scrubber.

Allow the mixture to sit for few minutes so that it can break down dirt and grime. It’s an easy natural method that will bring your household surfaces back to life! You can also buy baking soda here. Note, we are not affiliated with the website in anyway whatsoever.

Scrub away dirt and grime

To remove dirt and grime in the kitchen quickly and effectively, all you need is a soft sponge or cloth, and the baking soda paste that you have just mixed. After you allowed the paste to sit for several minutes, use your sponge or cloth to scrub lightly in a circular motion. You’ll be amazed at how easy it is to remove dirt, grease, food stuck on counters and appliances. And don’t worry about any abrasiveness. Baking soda will help get rid of dirt without scratching delicate surfaces like non-stick cookware!

With this simple trick, keeping your kitchen spic and span will be an effortless process. If weary about a surface, test it out in a small area first before committing.


Rinse or wipe off any residue with warm water

Rinse off any remaining residue with warm water

After scrubbing the surface with baking soda, make sure to rinse or wipe it off thoroughly with warm water or a wet cloth. This will help wash away any residues and make sure that the surface is ready for use again. Make sure you do not to leave behind too much of the paste on the surfaces as this can build up overtime causing discoloration or other damage.

Use a vinegar solution to disinfect the area before drying it off completely

For an extra boost of freshness, you can use a combination of vinegar and warm water to disinfect the area. This will not only help kill any lingering germs or bacteria from the surface but also leave it smelling nice and clean.

To do this, mix equal parts white vinegar and water in a spray bottle and spritz on the areas you have just cleaned. Allow it to sit for 5 minutes and then wipe down the area with a damp cloth. Finally, dry it off completely before using your kitchen as usual.

Finish up by wiping down surfaces with an all-purpose cleaner

You can also finish off the clean with an all-purpose cleaner if you do not want to use vinegar. This will ensure that those pesky germs don’t linger in any cracks or crevices! With just these few simple steps done on a regular basis, parents everywhere will be able to keep their kitchens looking barely-used as if they had all the time in the world!


Cleaning a kitchen can be a time-consuming and tiring task, but it doesn’t have to be! With the help of baking soda paste, parents everywhere can keep their kitchens looking fresh and spotless in no time. Not only does this all-natural option break down dirt and grime quickly, but it also disinfects surfaces without any harsh chemicals. So, give it a try and make your kitchen sparkle with baking soda paste!

If you’d enjoyed this article, be sure to check out our articles such as “What to clean first in a bathroom?” and “How to clean your house smartly” – move out cleaners.


Move out cleaners: If you’d like us to handle all your cleans, drop us a line!

Frequently asked questions


1. Is baking soda safe for all surfaces?

A: Yes, baking soda is safe for use on all types of surfaces. However, it’s best to avoid using it on delicate surfaces like non-stick cookware as the abrasive particles as baking soda may scratch the surface over time.

2. How does baking soda work as a cleaning agent?

A: Baking soda works by neutralizing the pH of dirt, grease, and grime on surfaces. This helps to break them down making it easier to scrub off and rinse away residue. Additionally, baking soda also has antibacterial properties which help keep surfaces clean and free from germs.

3. What are some other uses for baking soda?

A: Baking soda can be used for a variety of applications including deodorizing, stain removal, and as an all-natural toothpaste. Additionally, baking soda can also be used to remove produce odours from hands or containers and even to unclog drains! There are so many uses for this amazing natural ingredient!

4. How do I store baking soda?

A: Baking soda should be stored in an airtight container or bag and kept in a cool, dry place away from direct light. This will help to ensure that it stays fresh for longer! Additionally, baking soda should also be kept away from any acidic ingredients as this can reduce its effectiveness when used as a cleaning agent.

Move out cleaners

Let the Cleaning Tribe help you save time and energy while keeping your kitchen spotless with our comprehensive cleaning services. Our team is comprised of highly trained professionals who specialize in using the right cleaning solutions to get the job done right. We may even use baking soda paste for added disinfection power upon request!

Plus, our mission is to make your life easier with our 100% satisfaction guarantee. So, get in touch or call our live 24/7 hour number at 416-292-0032 today and let us take care of all your kitchen cleaning needs – move out cleaners.