House cleaning services: We all know the feeling. You get home from work, drop your bags on the floor, and survey the disaster that is in your living room. It’s cluttered, dusty, and half-cleaned from when you rushed through it that morning. Sound familiar? We’ve all been there.

Cleaning can be a drag, but it doesn’t have to be. We reached out to professional cleaners and asked for their best tips to make cleaning more efficient (and less painful). Here are 6 of their best tips:


Having a specific day for a clean helps with maintaining your home

1) Schedule a cleaning day each week and stick to it – this will help you stay on top of things and prevent a build-up of dirt and grime

Let’s face it – keeping your home pristine is a lot of work! Between cooking, eating, playing and adjusting to life in a post pandemic world, it can be impossible to stay on top of the dirt and grime that accumulates day by day. That’s why I recommend scheduling a cleaning day each week and sticking to it.

Having a designated day (or even just an hour!) allows you to actively tackle dust bunnies, mop floors and scrub surfaces. If keeping your space as clean as possible is important to you, why not make it easier? You don’t have to go at it alone – consider looking for house cleaning services or enlisting the help of family members or housemates.

Working together helps speed up what can be the daunting task of tidying up the whole house in one go. It might not be glamorous, but having a designated clean-up time will ensure your days are free from clutter so you can focus on all the awesome things living brings your way! Plus, having those items taken care of helps give us more mental energy for other pursuits throughout our days!

So don’t wait until messes pile up over several weekends – prevent them from happening in the first place by taking charge now with regular cleaning sessions! What are you waiting for?

2) Make a list of tasks to be completed during your cleaning session, and tick them off as you go

Have you ever hired cleaning services and felt overwhelmed when they arrived to start their work? Never fear, because, with a little advanced planning and an organized list of tasks, your cleaning session can become much more manageable – and even enjoyable!

To ensure success, make sure your list includes all the areas in need of cleaning and assign each task with a completion indicator; for example, mark off as you go. Don’t forget to consider the bigger picture as well – sometimes one particular area may need more attention than others based on its general state.

With all these necessary tasks marked off your list, nothing should get overlooked – making each cleaning experience that much simpler!


Maybe it’s time for new supplies + equipment?

3) Invest in some good quality cleaning supplies – they will make your life much easier!

Are you tired of mopping all day only to find dust again the next morning? Then it might be time to invest in some good-quality cleaning supplies! If you buy the right tools for the job, you’ll have a much easier time working through those daily chores.

Heaven knows, these days I like to get my clean on as fast as possible so I can squeeze in that extra yoga class or afternoon nap. Floor mops are great for deep cleaning hard surfaces. To really keep dust at bay, develop a regular routine with a quality broom and dustpan – they’re as cuddly as an adorable puppy when it comes to keeping your home tidy! And don’t neglect your windows: they need some TLC once in a while too! High-grade squeegees and microfiber cloths make wiping down glass an easy exercise.

In short, investing in the right supplies will give you the confidence you’ve got yourself covered – and make light work of all your regular household maintenance tasks. So get yourself geared up with quality equipment – then say hello to free time!

4) Don’t forget to clean those hard-to-reach places, like under the bed or behind the fridge

Let’s be honest – no one likes to dive deep behind heavy furniture and into hard-to-reach places. Forget it – who has the time with all the other tasks on our to-do list? But if there’s one thing we can all agree on, it’s that maintaining a tidy home requires some tough love, especially in the neglected nooks and crannies around the house.

So let me ask you this: when was the last time you checked under your bed or behind the fridge? See, these are spaces that tend to live a secret life of stored junk and cobwebs – but they don’t have to!

Taking a few minutes out of your schedule to give those forgotten spots some TLC will help ensure that all areas of your home stay sparkling. Trust me, get out there and do some spring cleaning! You won’t regret it! 🙂


Always dust first then deal with the floors afterward

5) Dust surfaces before vacuuming- this will help you avoid having to do it twice

Well you know what they say Toronto: you can’t vacuum a mess! And hey- if it’s already kinda sorta clean, why should you have to do the job twice? That’s why you should put dusting before vacuuming at the top of our list. Whether it’s dust bunnies on the floor or cobwebs up high.

First, use a feather duster or mop to pick up the loose debris and dust off those surfaces. Sweep it up into easy piles and then take out your trusty vacuum cleaner. The vac will be able to pick up that stuff much more easily before clogging those tiny suction lines with chunks of dust or food crumbs.

So don’t worry about dealing with a double duty cleaning job; just remember – Dust first! Then Vacuum! It’ll save you time so break out the champagne (or mimosas!) and enjoy yourself afterwards.☺️

6) Use microfiber cloths instead of paper towels – they are more effective and environmentally friendly

You should know that microfiber cloths are one of the best ways to keep surfaces clean. Not only are they more effective at collecting dust and debris, but they’re also much better for the environment than using disposable paper towels.

You see, microfiber cloths have a unique structure that allows them to lift off dirt and dirt particles with ease. These same structures help retain moisture better than paper towels, so surfaces stay cleaner longer. And since microfiber cloths can be used over and over again, it’s much easier to reduce your environmental impact.


Moms and dads, we know that keeping your home clean can be a never-ending chore – but it doesn’t have to be! With the right tips and tricks, you can breeze through your cleaning tasks without breaking a sweat.

So try out some of my handy hacks like dusting before vacuuming or using microfiber cloths instead of paper towels. You’ll be surprised at how much quicker and easier everything becomes! And who knows? Until then, let’s get tidy Toronto! Happy cleaning everyone! 🙂

If you enjoyed this blog visit our other articles such as: “Is it safe to use bleach to clean your house?” or “How do I stop the smell of pee in my bathroom?” – House cleaning services

Try to get the family to help clean!

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some common mistakes people make when cleaning their homes?

When it comes to cleaning their homes, we know that there’s no such thing as a one-size-fits-all approach. But even with the best intentions, some of us can still make mistakes. For example, using too much soap on surfaces can leave them streaky or dull over time – not the perfect look for your home!

Additionally, failing to empty vacuum bags or containers before use will result in dirt being pushed around instead of sucked up – and who wants that? Lastly, using household cleaners without looking at their contents first is a surefire way to create an unsafe environment.

So trust me – we know a thing or two about making sure your house is clean and safe. Take your time, do your research and make sure you’re using the right products for the job. That way, you can enjoy a sparklingly clean home with peace of mind! Now go forth and conquer that mess – it won’t know what hit it! 🙂

How can I get my family to help with the cleaning?

We all know how tough it can be getting your family to help out with the cleaning. Believe me, We’ve been there! But don’t worry, we have a few tips that can make this process much easier for you. First off, you should always make sure to give everyone specific tasks that are age-appropriate – kids can pick up toys and books while teenagers may be able to do more detailed dusting or vacuuming.

Additionally, try breaking down large tasks into smaller ones so they’re not overwhelming. Something like “Wipe down all of the surfaces in the kitchen” might sound daunting at first but if you break it up between two people it’s suddenly much more manageable! Lastly, try incentivizing your family members with rewards such as movie nights or extra treats.

Cleaning doesn’t have to be a drag – it can actually be fun when you make it into a game! So go ahead and get your squad in order – together, you’ll conquer any mess that comes your way! Good luck.

House cleaning services – You may consider asking for professional help

House Cleaning Services

A clean home is a happy home – and it’s much easier to achieve than you might think! By following these simple tips, you can make cleaning a breeze. And if you find that you just don’t have the time or energy to keep on top of things, we’re here to help.

At The Cleaning Tribe, we offer weekly, bi-weekly, monthly home cleaning services that will take the weight off your shoulders. Contact us today or call our live 24/7 number at 416-292-0032 to book your first clean!


Cleaning Tribe Inc.
2300 Yonge St #1600, Toronto, ON M4P 1E4