Toronto Cleaning Services: Use deodorizers, vinegar, and baking soda. Spray in the areas you’d like to address. Let the solution and baking soda sit for several minutes, and wipe away with a paper towel or cloth.

Ah, the age-old question: how do I stop my bathroom from smelling like pee? Let’s face it – no one wants to walk into a room that smells like urine. Luckily, you don’t have to live with this stench any longer! With some simple steps and a bit of elbow grease, you can take control of the odours in your bathroom and keep them under wraps. From cleaning regularly to using deodorizers or vinegar, and baking soda, there are plenty of ways to fight back against that unmistakable smell. Read on to learn more about how you can keep your bathroom smelling fresh as a daisy!


Where does that smell come from?

Urine smell in a bathroom can come from many sources. It could be caused by pets, children, or even adults who use the restroom and don’t clean up after themselves properly. It can also be brought in on clothes, towels, and shoes, or it could just be lingering due to poor ventilation. The smell of pee can be most prevalent in the toilet bowl, on bathroom floors and walls, and in the shower.

Regardless of where it originates from, urine odours are unpleasant and should be taken care of quickly using simple cleaning solutions like deodorizers or vinegar and baking soda. Here are 5 tips on how to get your bathroom to smell fresh again. Amend.


Clean your bathroom regularly

1. Clean the bathroom regularly to prevent the build-up

Cleaning is something that a lot of people don’t think about until their bathroom is starting to smell. By then, it’s usually too late and the damage has been done. Bathrooms are one of the most important rooms in your home, and keeping them clean is crucial to preventing the build-up of bacteria and mould.

That’s why it’s important to clean your bathroom regularly, using a good quality bathroom cleaner. You may hire a cleaning service that can help you keep your bathroom clean and fresh, preventing the need for major cleaning projects down the line. So don’t wait until your bathroom is starting to smell bad – If you don’t like cleaning bathroom’s yourself, don’t worry, a cleaning service can help you keep it clean and prevent the build-up of bacteria and mould. Concrobium product works great with mould as an alternative to bleach.

2. Use a deodorizer to mask the smell

Using a deodorizer is one of the most effective ways to mask the smell of pee. Deodorizers come in various forms, such as sprays, gels, and candles. No matter which type you choose, make sure it’s designed specifically for bathroom use. Spray or gel deodorizers are often best because they can be applied directly to specific areas where the smell is coming from. Candles are nice for providing general odour control in your bathroom, but may not be enough on their own if it smells like pee. With any deodorizer, make sure to follow package instructions carefully and replace them regularly for maximum odour control!

3. Pour vinegar into the toilet bowl and let it sit for a few minutes

Vinegar is one of the best natural deodorizers out there, and it’s super easy to use. All you need to do is pour some vinegar into your toilet bowl, let it sit for a few minutes, then flush it away. The acidic nature of the vinegar helps to break down bacteria and clear odours from the bowl. If you don’t have any vinegar handy, baking soda can also be used in place of vinegar. Just add some baking soda to your toilet bowl and allow it to sit for a few minutes before flushing – simple as that!



Baking soda helps remove odours

4. Sprinkle baking soda on the floor and let it sit for a few minutes

Baking soda is another great natural deodorizer that can help eliminate the smell of pee in your bathroom. Again, all you need to do is sprinkle some baking soda on the floor and let it sit for a few minutes. The baking soda helps to absorb odours, leaving your bathroom smelling fresh and clean. Be sure to vacuum or sweep up the baking soda after letting it sit for a few minutes so that you don’t end up with a mess!

5. Scrub the floors and walls with a brush or sponge

Scrubbing the floors and walls with a brush or sponge is one of the most effective ways to get rid of the pee odour in your bathroom. Be sure to use a strong cleaner that is designed for bathroom use, as this will help get rid of any lingering bacteria and odours. After scrubbing the floors and walls, mop up the excess water with a clean towel or cloth. This will help ensure that all traces of urine are gone and your bathroom smells fresh!


By following these simple steps and a bit of elbow grease, you can have your bathroom smelling fresh – or at least like something that’s not a pee party! So don’t wait until the smell is already there. Toronto cleaning services can help keep your bathroom in tip-top shape, preventing odours and bacteria build-up. So go ahead and give these tips a try – before you know it, your bathroom will be clean and fresh.

If you enjoyed this article, feel free to read our other blog about “The 5 ways to keep your house clean without spending hours on it every day” or “Is using bleach to clean your home safe?” Good luck!


This is what happens when it gets neglected

Frequently Asked Questions


1. What happens if I don’t clean the pee off my toilet

After careful consideration, I can safely say that leaving pee on the toilet is an unwise decision. Not only will it give your parents a negative vibe when they see it, but it can also lead to hygiene issues that could turn out to be dangerous in the long run.

You’ll want to avoid creating conducive conditions for bacteria and other microbes to settle down and multiply. You’ll never know what sort of airborne diseases or illnesses one might catch from it.

In short, if you want your parents to favour you and your health to stay at its peak level of functioning, maintain decent bathroom hygiene and never forget to give your toilet a good clean every once in a while.

2. Will I get sick if I don’t clean the pee off my toilet

Well folks, here’s the deal. If you don’t clean up that pee off your toilet, there’s a pretty good chance that your parents and other germs are going to start calling your bathroom home.

Unbeknownst to many of us, toilet bowls are a breeding ground for all sorts of nasty bacteria and viruses. You’re likely to find e-coli, salmonella, streptococcus and even HIV on the surface if you look hard enough.

Not something I’d want to risk welcoming into my pad, so stay vigilant with those cleaner sprays and brushes! Keep it sparkling – mom and dad would be proud.

3. Are there any tips for easy bathroom cleaning?

Absolutely! Here are a few of our top tips for easy and effective bathroom cleaning:

1. Always use a cleaner specifically designed for bathrooms. This will help to ensure you’re using the right product for the job.

2. Use a sponge or microfiber cloth when cleaning surfaces. This is often more effective than using paper towels or rags.

3. Try to clean your shower after each use. This will help to prevent soap scum build-up and make it much easier to keep your shower looking brand new!

4. Make sure to empty and replace your bathmat frequently.

4. What other ways can I clean the pee off my toilet

Cleaning pee off of a toilet is one of those jobs no one wants to do. That’s why I suggest parents opt for a combination of store-bought and or natural homemade products. It’ll make the job easier and help keep things smelling fresh! The store-bought stuff works like a charm. Just soaking a bit of paper towel with it can dislodge most pesky pee stains from the bowl, while specialized cleaners containing surfactants and enzymes will get scummy spots around the rim sparkling in no time.

For an extra bit of germ busting action, my favorite tactic is mixing white vinegar with baking soda. Wipe away all the sediment before swishing some diluted bleach around for good measure. That’ll keep your errant streams in check and at bay!

5. How often should I clean the pee off my toilet

Keeping your bathroom sparkling clean may seem like a constant headache to parents, especially when it comes to those pesky toilets covered with pee! I highly recommend cleaning off the residue as often as possible. Otherwise, you’ll expect a much worse smell that’s hard to get rid of.

While it may be time-consuming, making sure that all of your home’s bathrooms are regularly attended to is essential if you want them to feel and smell fresh and tidy. Trust me: it’s worth the effort!



Professional Toronto Cleaning Services will help make your house smelling fresh again

Toronto Cleaning Services

If you’re looking for a reliable and experienced Toronto cleaning services that can help remove the smell of pee from your bathroom, look no further than the Cleaning Tribe Inc. We have over 15 years of combined experience in the real estate industry and know how to get the job done right. We use only the best quality products and equipment to get your bathroom clean and smelling fresh in no time.

So don’t wait any longer – call us today on our live 24/7 number at 416-292-0032 or visit our booking form for a free estimate!

Cleaning Tribe Inc.
2300 Yonge St #1600, Toronto, ON M4P 1E4