House Cleaning Toronto – We all know that cleaning the house is a never ending battle. But what if I told you there were ways to make it easier? In this post, I’ll share some tips on how to keep your house clean without spending hours on it every day. So read on and start making your life a little bit easier!


1. Make a cleaning schedule and stick to it

How does it feel when you come in to a messy house? It’s like walking into a giant pile of stress. You can see the dust bunnies accumulating in the corner, the dishes pile up in the sink, and the laundry just keeps piling up. It feels like an insurmountable task to get everything clean and back in order. But it doesn’t have to be that way!

One of the best ways to keep your house clean is to make a cleaning schedule and stick to it. Pick one day each week to focus on a different task, such as dusting, vacuuming, or scrubbing the bathroom. Or if you prefer, break it down into smaller tasks and clean a little bit each day. The important thing is to be consistent and make sure that you’re covering all the areas of your house.

With a little bit of effort and some regular maintenance, you can keep your house looking clean and clutter-free. So put on your gloves and get started!



Dad house cleaning in Toronto with daughter

2. Divide housework between family members

Any family that has ever tried to divvy up housework knows that it can be a challenge. One person always seems to end up doing the lion’s share, while others shirk their responsibilities. Perhaps the most equitable solution is to simply hire a house cleaner. That way, everyone can relax and enjoy their free time, safe in the knowledge that the house will be clean when they return.

Of course, that’s not always possible, so the next best thing is to develop a system for dividing housework between family members. The key is to be fair and to make sure that everyone pitches in. With a little cooperation, keeping the house clean can be a breeze.


3. Get organized – have specific places for everything

One of the best ways to get organized is to have specific places for everything. That way, when you’re looking for something, you know exactly where to find it. For example, if you always put your keys in the same spot when you come home, you’ll never have to waste time hunting for them.

The same goes for house cleaning supplies. If you keep them in the same place, you’ll always know where they are when it’s time to do some housecleaning. And if you’re looking to get organized, you can even hire a professional house cleaning service in Toronto. They’ll make sure your house is always clean and organized, so you can focus on other things.


4. Clean as you go – don’t let the mess pile up

As anyone who has ever attempted to clean a house knows, it is much easier to clean as you go rather than letting the mess pile up. Whether it’s doing the dishes after dinner or taking out the trash regularly, keeping on top of the housework can save a lot of time and effort in the long run. Of course, this is easier said than done, and sometimes life gets in the way of our best intentions. However, even making a small effort to clean up as you go can make a big difference in the overall tidiness of your home.

So next time you’re about to leave a mess for later, remember: “Good housekeeping today will save you from house cleaning tomorrow.”


5. Use the right tools for the job – this will make housework easier and faster

As anyone who has ever attempted to clean a house with the wrong tools knows, using the right tools for the job can make housework much easier and faster. A good house cleaning company in Toronto will have a wide variety of different tools to choose from, and they will know which ones are best for each task. For example, a dust mop is much more effective at removing dust from hardwood floors than a vacuum cleaner. Similarly, a scrub brush is much better at cleaning grout than a sponge. By using the right tools for the job, you can save yourself time and effort, and you can be sure that your house will be clean and tidy in no time. Check out our local Canadian Tire store to see some of these products.



Housework can be a daunting task, but by following these simple tips, you can make it much easier and faster. Whether you divide housework between family members or get organized with specific places for everything, using the right tools for the job will make housecleaning a breeze. And don’t forget to clean as you go – this is one of the best ways to keep your house looking neat and tidy. With a little bit of effort, you can have a clean and clutter-free home in no time!

If you like this blog, be sure to read about our other articles like Is bleach safe to use in your house for cleaning? or How to remove pee smells and odours from your bathroom!



Have you thought of hiring a pro cleaner?

Frequently Asked Questions:


1. How often should I clean my house?

If you’re like most people, house cleaning is probably not your favourite pastime. In fact, it’s probably something you try to avoid as much as possible. But the truth is, a clean house is a happy house. And a happy house is a thriving house.

So how often should you clean your house? The answer may surprise you. According to house cleaning experts, you should aim to clean your house at least once a week. That’s right, once a week. Now, we know what you’re thinking – that’s impossible. But the truth is, it’s not as difficult as it seems. Just set aside an hour or two on Saturday or Sunday, and make it a point to deep clean one room of your house. You’d be surprised at how much of a difference it makes. Not to mention, your family will thank you for it. So go ahead and give it a try – we promise you won’t regret it.


2. What are some good ways to clean my kitchen?

If your kitchen is looking a little bit messy, don’t worry – there are plenty of ways to get it sparkling clean in no time. One of the easiest ways to clean your kitchen is to start with the stove top. Just put on some rubber gloves, spray down the stove with some hot soapy water, and scrub away any dirt and grime. If you have a self-cleaning oven, now is also a good time to give it a run.

For the rest of the kitchen, a good all-purpose cleaner will do the trick. Just spray down all of the surfaces and wipe away any fingerprints or spills. And don’t forget to vacuum and mop the floor – this will make your kitchen look clean and fresh. With just a little bit of elbow grease, your kitchen will be shining in no time.


3. What are some good ways to clean my bathroom?

Start with the big stuff. Take a look around your bathroom and identify any areas that need special attention, such as the tub, sink, and toilet. Give each area a good scrub, using a brush or cleaner specifically designed for that surface.

Don’t forget the small stuff. Once you’ve tackled the major areas, it’s time to move on to the details. Pay attention to places like door handles, light switches, and faucets, which can all become covered in fingerprints and germs. Use a microfiber cloth or an all-purpose cleaner to give them a quick once-over.

Lastly, don’t forget to empty the trash. Nothing makes a bathroom look dirtier than an overflowing trash can. Be sure to empty it regularly and replace the liner as needed.

With these simple tips, you can keep your bathroom clean and fresh all year long!



By hiring a cleaner, you can now let them play at will

4. How do I clean my bedroom?

The first step to cleaning your bedroom is to get rid of any clutter. Clutter can make your room look smaller and messier than it actually is. Once you’ve sorted through your belongings and gotten rid of anything you don’t need, it’s time to start dusting.

Begin by dusting any furniture, then move on to windowsills, baseboards, and other surfaces. Don’t forget to dust ceiling fans and light fixtures! Once the dusting is done, it’s time to vacuum. Start with carpeted areas, then move on to rugs and mats.

Finally, vacuum any upholstered furniture. Last but not least, don’t forget to make your bed! A made bed can transform a room from looking messy to looking neat and tidy. With these simple steps, you can easily clean your bedroom and keep it looking its best.


Why not contact a Pro to clean your house?

Cleaning Tribe Inc. is a professional house cleaning service that can take care of all your house cleaning needs. We have a wide variety of tools and supplies at our disposal, and we know which ones are best for each task.

We also have a lot of experience in house cleaning in Toronto, so you can be sure that your house will be clean and organized when we’re done. Contact us today or call our live 24/7 number at 416-292-0032 to get started!

Cleaning Tribe Inc.
2300 Yonge St #1600, Toronto, ON M4P 1E4